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jeruk lemon bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "jeruk lemon"
  • jeruk:    lemon; orange; citrus; mandarin; pomelo;
  • lemon:    humus; citrus; lemonlike; lemon tree; humous;
  • lemon:    humus; citrus; lemonlike; lemon tree; humous; hummus; sourish; lemony; lemon; tart; hommos; citrus limon; tangy; hoummos
  • jeruk:    lemon; orange; citrus; mandarin; pomelo; orange-tree; tangerine; conserves; conserve; preserves; preserve; grapefruit; pickle; citrus fruit; orange tree; pickled
  • jenis lemon:    lime
  • lemon (film):    lemon (2013 film)
  • lemon drop:    lemon drop (cocktail)
  • tart lemon:    lemon tart
  • lemon (filem 2017):    lemon (2017 film)
  • lemon (film 2017):    lemon (2017 film)
  • nebula irisan lemon:    lemon slice nebula
  • 'jeruk besar':    grapefruit
  • air jeruk:    orangeade
  • ayam jeruk:    orange chicken
  • jeruk asam:    lime
  • When we put in The new lemon tree,
    Ketika kita tanam lagi pohon jeruk lemon,
  • The real rarities... oranges, lemons, pineapples.
    Jeruk, lemon dan nenas yang benar-benar langka.
  • And I'll be selling lemonade all summer long.
    Dan aku akan menjual air perasan jeruk lemon sepanjang musim panas.
  • Morris Fresh aroma of Orange flower and lemon
    Morris Fresh aroma Pucuk bunga jeruk dan jeruk lemon
  • 1. Juice Drink Packing, like orange , lemon , apple beverage drinks
    1. Juice Drink Kemasan, seperti jeruk, lemon, minuman minuman apel
  • 2 teaspoon lemon juice. Mix wine with grated on a fine grater
    2 sdt air jeruk lemon. Campur parutan pada anggur dengan parutan halus
  • Standard Orange Lemon And Pomegrante Juice Vending Machine Banknote Cash Coin Operated
    Standar Jeruk Lemon Dan Pomegrante Mesin Penjual Otomatis Uang Kertas Koin Tunai Dioperasikan
  • 3. Fill partially onions, tomatoes and lemon juice into the chicken stomach.
    3. Isi sebagian bawang Bombay, tomat dan air jeruk lemon ke bagian perut ayam.
  • Soak with vinegar or lemon juice for a while. Squid meat is ready for use.
    Rendam sebentar dengan cuka atau air jeruk lemon. Daging cumi siap digunakan.
  • Oranges,lemons.(The machine can not press the fruits which have core,such as peach,mango and the
    jeruk, lemon. (Mesin tidak dapat menekan buah yang memiliki inti, seperti persik, mangga dan
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